Being the industry pioneers and leading supplier, we ensure that our consumers have the safest online shopping experience. Our site is periodically regulated to make sure that ingrain security norms are comparable to that of industry standards. is streamlined at enhancing your online shopping experience. At the same time, we understand our consumers concerns. Safeguarding personal details and safe transactions are of high importance. For this, we use highly encrypted communication during all times.

Likewise, our customers data is stored on an encrypted, firewall protected secure servers. We accept all major Credit Cards issued by Saudi based Banks. Several banks offer installment services. You may contact your bank for installment plans and make transactions accordingly.

  • Once the products are added to the cart, the customer will see confirmation of total price after taxes. Post confirming the site is redirected to payment gateway where secure transaction takes place. Any failed transactions would revert with in 15 days. We recommend contacting the bank for any payment related issues.
  • We do not track or share our customers details with third party companies. All transactions take place on a secure encrypted server.
  • We trust that the credit card details our customer provides are truthful, valid, accurate and you lawfully own and are authorized to use it. These details may be verified as required by the law to prevent fraud and other misuse.
  • We also believe that the liability of card being fraudulently used on our website remains with card holder and subject to proving the same. In event of part fulfillment of orders, we reach out to customer for agreed partial refund through reversing on credit card.
  • Using our website, you are agreeing to all the terms and conditions mentioned across the website.
  • We highly encourage our online customers to practice safeguard measures for protecting their data such as by deleting cookies, using internet security solution, not using shared PC for online transaction etc.